Revision Circumcision

A lot of boys would have had the Circumcision procedure done during their childhood. Circumcision in men and boys can be done at any age. most of the men go for a revision Circumcision if they are not satisfied with the initial ones. inappropriate skin excision, excess skin excision, irregular scarring, skin tags, uneven mucosal- skin interface are the various reason to undergo revision circumcision.
Gone are the days where one had to get hospitalized for days together to undergo the surgery process. Laser treatment, an advanced procedure, is being used by Dr. Ashutosh Shah to treat the patients with these issues. With the Revision of Circumcision, one can easily maintain their personal hygiene. Since the skin under the sheath would be open, it becomes easier for men to wash and clean their penis.
Urinary tract infections can be avoided to a greater extent because with that extra skin, at times, there can be a lot of difficulty in passing the urine as well.
Sexual intercourse, things can happen in a much better manner without any pain or transmission of diseases. The chances of being exposed to unnecessary infections are also quite lesser with the Circumcision. tough the use of safety measures are always advised
Most of the men tend to develop penis-related issues, and all these things can be avoided with the revision of Circumcision and penile cancer can also be prevented as some studies suggest. So, if you are dissatisfied with the initial Circumcision, you always have a choice to get a revision done now!
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.