Crows Feet

Due to aging, collagen and elasticity loss can give rise to crow's feet. These are some wrinkles found on the corner of the eye or lines formed out of expressions. these can be far more deep and evident on the face. UV exposure is also considered as one of the factors that might contribute to crows feet.
Now, even in the mid-’20s, there is a possibility of getting crows feet, which is unarguably early, but it’s thin skin and negligible oil glands around the eye that makes it happen. Once the skin losses elasticity with time, the thin layer fades away gradually and the skin is unable to recover to its original self.
It is difficult to avoid this natural phenomenon but a few careful steps can save you from those deep crow’s feet in your skin. Start by opting for a healthy & nutritious diet and keep yourself hydrated. Use Sunscreen near the eye and try to avoid direct UV by wearing glasses and hats. Also, avoid any exposure to toxins in any form. A careful skin regime coupled with a good lifestyle can help stay put for a while.
Dermal fillers/ Botox to Treat Crow Feet
Crows feet are bound to happen sooner or later because aging is inevitable. Few lifestyle changes might trick your aging process for a little. initial superficial wrinkles can be treated with Botox. but derma fillers are capable of treating even deep crows feet or also known as laughing lines:
Botox. : these are the very tiny injections that relax the muscle which causes crows feet.
Hyaluronic acid as a dermal filler
Hyaluronic acid when combined with water swells and gives a smooth effect. Generally, it’s combined with other fillers to give a long-lasting effect. Stand-alone, it can last to 6 months.
Juvederm Injection
A Juvederm injection containing hyaluronic acid and other dermal fillers can smoothen skin and lasts between 9 - 12 months
So whether your goal is to get a short-term treatment or look for long-lasting effects, we are here to assist you.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.