Drooping Corners of the Mouth

Drooping corners of the mouth make a person look really old. Their appearance is normally visible when the tissues near the mouth start to sag. This is one of the clear indicators of ageing. They tend to aggravate when your mouth starts moving downwards. It makes a face lose the charm, and these wrinkles would not be appreciated by anyone.
People who do not want to look aged would get intensely worried about these drooping appearing near their mouths. Hence, it becomes important to get in touch with an expert Doctor. Speaking to Dr Ashutosh Shah would help you to quickly get rid of these drooping angles:
- He knows the kind of treatments to suggest
- You would be in safer hands.
- He understands your problems and would be able to assist you well.
- He would not suggest things that do not work
- He understands the concepts of Derma fillers and Botox Treatments.
Most of the plastic surgeons recommend the botulinum toxin treatment for such issues, as this is extremely effective. Mentioned below are the major driving factors for people to choose the best Botox treatment.
- It is available everywhere
- It is inexpensive
- Healing and repairing does not need time
- The skin would start looking normal completely
- The process involved in Botox treatment is simple
You also can volumise the angles of mouth to support you drooping angles. it will elevate your angles and make the smile beautiful, Dr Ashutosh Shah can offer you both treatments - Botox and Filler for your droopy angles of the mouth.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.