G Spot Augmentation

The G spot is also called G spot enhancement, or G spot amplification. G spot augmentation is a non-surgical, uncomplicated, physician-administered therapy that can add fullness to the G spot so you can have a more profound and intense orgasm. G-spot size and sensitivity are increased as part of the treatment.
The G-spot tissue is touch sensitive and a little thicker. It is an erogenous zone that, when stimulated, can result in powerful orgasms, extreme sexual arousal, and female ejaculation. The size and location differ amongst women. It is usually 2.5 to 7.6 cm up the front vaginal wall.
The G Spot is a region of nerve tissue that is one centimeter wide and extremely sensitive. Place two fingers on the upper part of your vagina with your left hand and place your right hand on the bladder just above the bone. G spots are typically located in the most sensitive area between your hands.
How does G-spot amplification work?
The G spot augmentation is a painless operation performed in a hospital theater. G points are located with a sample designed specifically for measurement. Next, the surgeon will inject a local anesthetic into the site of the G spot. Synthetic human collagen is injected into the G spot after the anesthesia has taken effect, forming a marble-sized nub that is pressed against the area. G-shots have an interior projection of approximately 3 to 5 mm with a quarter-size G spot. The patient can leave the hospital after four hours.