Glabellar Lines

Have you ever wondered why those lines in between the eyebrows occur? Do you even know what these lines are known as? Well, they are called Glabellar Lines. Some people also call it 'Eleven.' These lines generally occur when people frown. Apart from frowning, when someone is completely focusing on a task or thinking, scowling, listening, and reading these lines do occur on the faces of people.
Some people get bothered because of these lines, and a few of them are fine with them. At times, these lines also occur when there is some trouble with the eyes. People with defective lenses and bad eyesight would also experience the glabellar lines. These lines at times can become quite bothersome, and they can ruin the overall looks of the face. Like the other wrinkles, creases, crowfeet, even these lines can now be treated with Botox treatment.
Most people get the Botox treatment for these lines as it creates a smooth surface on the skin completely and makes a face look beautiful. the de-wrinkle process of the eyebrows can happen easily with Botox treatment, During the process of Botox, the specialists use thick muscles in the middle of the eyebrows and allow it to settle down for a week. The Botox injection settles the muscles that are injected and creates a fine surface in between the eyebrows. With this, the glabellar lines can be smoothened easily.
Most of the people these days are getting this treatment done as it removes the 'eleven' completely from the face and makes you look beautiful. This process isn't very tough, and it involves specialists. Therefore, safety is not a matter of concern.
We are specialists, and our success rate is pretty high. The result obtained from the Botox treatment would last anywhere between four to six months. After this, there are some touch-ups required in order to maintain the looks. With the Botox treatment, you can easily get rid of glabellar lines easily at an affordable rate. very deep glabellar lines can even be filled with fillers too.
Dr. Ashutosh believes in the health and safety of patients, so we have the experts who are excellent in their work as well as brilliant experience holders. We welcome you to come to us for the ideal solution for your complications.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.