Liquid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, or nasal reshaping surgery, is consistently ranked among the top five cosmetic operations. It's no surprise that demand for liquid rhinoplasty has increased in recent years. The nose is the most prominent feature of the face, and simple alterations to it can dramatically alter your appearance.
While rhinoplasty is the gold standard for nasal reshaping and produces long-lasting results, it is not for everyone. Cost and downtime are frequently deterrents for patients, not to mention the dread and anxiety that accompanies any surgery, particularly surgery on the face.
But don't worry! If you're unsatisfied with the shape of your nose and fall into the above-mentioned category, we have another alternative that might work just for you.
A liquid rhinoplasty, also known as a nonsurgical rhinoplasty, is the injection of dermal fillers into the nose to shape it. It's an excellent alternative for people who have isolated nasal abnormalities, such as a dorsal hump or slight asymmetries.
The procedure is a good alternative for people who have already had rhinoplasty and have mild postoperative abnormalities. These patients require greater competence and care in their injections because their blood flow has already been altered as a result of surgery, and the risks of problems are higher.
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is also an excellent alternative for those who desire immediate results, cannot afford surgical rhinoplasty, and cannot take extensive time off from work.
It is also crucial to realize that we are injecting filler throughout this operation, thus we are adding volume. This procedure, by default, will augment the nose, making it unsuitable for patients who already have huge noses and require a reduction.
In addition, patients may undergo a liquid rhinoplasty to see whether they wish to undergo more permanent surgery.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.