Lower Eyelids Wrinkles

Are you constantly worried about your eyelid wrinkles? Those wrinkles below the eyes can be really annoying, especially when you are still young. With these lines, a person will look more aged. That is the main reason as to why a lot of people thrive on getting their lower lids improved.
Mostly these wrinkles develop when a person is stressed or lacks proper sleep. Though the main reason is due to aging, even the food that is consumed can also be a driving factor for these eyelid wrinkles.
Some people would start developing skin in excess near the lower lids, and the skin not only becomes like a bag, but it also starts folding up as well. The cosmetic surgeons will trim those hanging skin, and this is a pretty easy job called Blepharoplasty.
Sometimes, when the bags are not formed and only wrinkles, this would be even removed using the Botox treatment.
A lot of people consider this Botox treatment because it is inexpensive and safe when compared to the other treatments. The eyelid Botox treatment is largely used on patients that have twitching eyelids, the appearance of wrinkles due to facial expressions, lines beneath the eyes that resemble a smile, crows’ feet, cervical dystonia, excessive sweating, and crossed eyes.
How does Botox treatment work?
The injections of Botox are directly given injected beneath the skin. The muscles under the eyes would be relaxed. The contraction of muscle occurs when you smile, laugh, and talk and form wrinkles. these contractions are controlled with botox so the lines formed by them.
Dr. Ashutosh Shah is an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon who can help you out in both the blepharoplasty as well as in light wrinkles- the eyelid Botox.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.