Neck Lines

Want an elegant neckline? A beautiful neckline is indeed graceful. Here’s a reliable, safe, and convenient solution to redefine your sagging neckline. Neckline fillers have become an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment that uses dermal fillers to provide instant results in improving the neckline. Weaker muscles often diminish the skin’s ability to stay firm around the neck. This could be caused due to genetic reasons, sudden weight loss/gain, or aging.
In most cases, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are used to treat the deep horizontal creases that are etched on the neck. Hyaluronic acid works by the water absorption technique, and thus the full results of the treatment will gradually become visible over 3-4 weeks.
Many cosmetic professionals recommend the use of Botox as it also comes in handy, especially in treating aging necks. Botox works by relaxing the vertical muscle of the neck that otherwise appears ropey.
The dermal neckline fillers make the skin on the neck area smoother, firmer, and plumper. Typically, the filler is injected uniformly throughout the neck. It works by increasing the level of hydration of the skin and tightens it to reinstate the elasticity that might have been lost due to aging.
Mostly, changes are immediately noticeable, with the skin on the neck area becoming tighter. With this treatment, you'll also notice that lesser creases are appearing on your neck when you turn your head or bend it.
Elegance clinic Surat is one of the preferred places to get necklines corrected.
Dr. Ashutosh Shah, a director, and cosmetic plastic surgeon provides all injectable treatments for necklines including Botox, Fillers, and hydrating injectables. the method is virtually painless. He will plan an antiageing plan depending on your needs and pocket.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.