Alisklamp Circumcision Surgery

The third generation of the circumcision clamping device offers more than the above advantages, it designs and engineers the finest product and produces the perfect male circumcision to take care of all the following features:
Technique: the technique is very simple, easy to learn by any healthcare professional, and should not take more than 10 minutes. No other instrument is required except for 'Alisklamp' and new sterile blade.
Safety: Alisklamp is designed to give maximum safety during the procedure. No worries about gland penis injury, no chances of bleeding, no worries about failed clamps and no worries about infection.
Sterility: Contrary to conventional circumcision, which deals with open surgery wound and lots of bleeding, we are only dealing with CLOSED WOUND. Sterility is not the main problem here, it is enough to have a clean place without any sterile instrument, sterile drape or even sterile glove.
Aesthetic: The end result of the circumcision here is not really operator - dependent, as conventional circumcision depends on the surgeon's experience and expertise. The correct use of the Alisklamp size should produce a standard, good esthetic look.
Pain: Adequate local anesthesia. No pain during the procedure, after the procedure, during removal or after removal of the device.
Stress: No stress on the child and its parents, as the procedure, is without forceps or scissors and completed within 5 - 10 minutes.
Benefits of Alisklamp Circumcision Surgery:
Alisklamp is promised to deliver a perfect circumcision parallel to the corona line, following the natural curve of the individual gland penis. It will, of course, produce a clean cut with an excellent esthetic look. The other important breakthrough of the perfect clamp is the cutting of the inner mucosa and the outer skin is done at the same level, thus producing no tension due to the pooling of the outer skin after removal of the clamp, as usually happens in a straight, disposable circumcision clamp.
This further prevents the separation of the mucosa and skin that leads to wound gaping and takes a longer time to heal. The clamping zone is further strengthened and reinforced by two factors, one being the solid and strong bilateral pillar shaft that provides a strong grip on the clamping zone in order to hold the mucosa and skin firmly together and prevent bleeding or slipping skin edges.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.