New Generation Laser Circumcision

New generation laser circumcision is a new method of circumcision surgery researched and developed by our specialists. Thousands of patients had this new generation of laser circumcision and proved it safe and good clinical outcomes. New generation laser circumcision is performed with a carbon dioxide laser to cut the foreskin while cauterizing the cut edge. The cut wound is closed by surgically absorbable sutures and then further covered and reinforced with the new sterile medical super-glue.
The wound edge burnt tissue coagulates after the laser cut and burn and forms a coagulum covering the free nerve endings of the wound edges. There will be fewer stimuli reaching the free nerve endings to feel and in turn less post-operative wound pain compared to traditional circumcision using scalpel or scissors to cut the wound.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.