Plastibell Circumcision
At first, a local anesthetic cream is applied to the penis and prepuce of newborns or infants. The penile skin is numbed after 15-30 minutes and subsequent injection of long-acting local anesthesia becomes almost painless. The plastibell is placed between the penis glans and the prepuce. At the plastibell level, a tight thread is tied tightly over the prepuce and strangulates the distal prepuce. With ischemia, the distal prepuce gradually becomes black in color and fell off in 5 to 10 days.
The narrow circumferential wound will heal in a few days. The mechanism of plastibell circumcision is similar to the umbilical cord clamp that stops the blood supply of the distal umbilical cord, blackens the distal umbilical cord, spontaneously detaches and heals the residual wound in a few days.
The circumcision of the plastibell is more suitable for newborns, infants and infants because there is the advantage of very little post-operative pain compared to traditional circumcision. Postoperative wound care is straightforward. It is possible to use normal saline, distilled water or anti-septic solution for wound rinsing during a diaper change or after bathing. Then, with gauze and warm hair dryer, dry the wound. The wound usually heals within 2 to 3 weeks. This procedure's complication risk is very low.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.