FUE White Hair Removal

Sometime aged patients come with white hair removal from chin and face. Some young individuals also have premature greying of beard or moustache hair. Only proven method for this problem was electrolysis. We at Elegance clinic started using FUE – with 0.8 MM burr for virtually scar less white hair removal.
Till date, electrolysis is considered to be the treatment of choice. There are chances of folliculitis, post-inflammation hyperpigmentation and scarring if electrolysis current is applied at too high a level. Further, since only dermal papilla is destroyed in electrolysis procedure, there are chances of regrowth from upper portions of the follicle (bulge region). Electrolysis can sometimes take up to twenty sessions for complete removal of the hair.
With FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction, well known procedure for harvesting hair for hair transplant also can be used to remove white hair. If the transection rate is kept below 10%, a complete follicle is removed leading to permanent removal of the hair in 2–3 sessions. This will help to reduce the time in clinic, Transportation cost and overall finances as compared to other procedures routinely used. With punch size of 0.8 mm, there are very minimal chances of any visible scarring or pigmentary changes. However, pigmentation can happen rarely in dark-skinned individuals. With experience, one can extract up to 2000 follicles in an hour which is much faster than any other option available for white hairs. In our clinic, FUE has become an effective, safe and fast way for removal of the white hair.
FUE can be considered a permanent and one- two time treatment for the removal of unwanted white hair of the body.
FUE can be used for the treatment of leukotrichia effectively for vitiligo patients. Even the same holes can be replaced with black color follicles. Sometimes it can improve your vitiligo area also.
We also use FUE method of hair removal for beard shaping in male clients.