Nose Piercing

If you're preparing to have your nose pierced. Ensure it is performed properly, and you take very good care of the piercing once you get it
Your nose can be pierced in various places: The nose, the fleshy tissue around the nostrils, The septum, the thicker cartilage between your nostrils. The delicate tissue behind the cartilage at the bottom of your septum.
Nose Piercing has complications at times. Your nose is what doctors call the troubled triangle of your face. This is the region between the eyebrows and the upper lip. The veins in this region are connected to your sine cavity. Any treatment on this part of your face could lead to severe infection. Don't seek to pierce yourself, or let an unskilled person do the piercing. Go to a legitimate piercing center where the staff is well skilled.
The skin across the latest piercing may be swollen, red, and delicate for a few days. It could bleed a little. If swelling, redness, and bleeding last more than a few days, please speak to your doctor. Early care will help avoid potentially severe complications.
Dr. Ashutosh believes in the health and safety of patients, so we have the experts who are excellent in their work as well as brilliant experience holders. We welcome you to come to us for the ideal solution for your complications.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.