Scars, Cyst & Mole Removal

An array of approaches can reduce the appearance of wounds arising from injuries, acne, or surgery. The complexity, color, shape, and size of your scar depend on the skin type, pigmentation, and the particular skin healing process. Injections, laser ablation, and other procedures for resurfacing such as dermabrasion can be considered to achieve scar reduction. Surgical procedures such as skin grafting and z-plasty may be done to help treat scar for extreme cases.
Cysts may develop from the congestion of hair follicles to clogged oil glands due to a variety of causes. They might also be the cause of skin trauma. Epidermal cysts can occur anywhere on the skin, but most frequently form on the face and neck. Cysts are often filled with liquid and can evolve and become painful when damaged or infected. A cyst can grow as epidermal cells become more firmly rooted and begin to replicate. Often plastic surgery is required to remove unsightly or painful cysts with minimal scarring, particularly on the face. When untreated, cysts can enlarge and become both medically and cosmetically problematic. In some cases, cysts may become infected, causing them to swell and make them tender to touch.
Mole Removal
Moles can be ended up finding almost anywhere on the body's skin in a variety of shapes and sizes. Moles come in varying colors of black and brown and can be found in colonies or on their own. They may be present at birth or appear at any age, and exposure to sunlight often plays a role in why they develop. Many patients want their moles to be removed, either for cosmetic or medical purposes. If the mole is cancerous or benign, we should use correct procedures to achieve complete removal with the most aesthetically appealing results possible.
As all of them differ from person to person, type of their skin and scar, cyst and mole so accordingly the treatment is done.
Our Doctors and Staff members are best their services as well as great experience holder, feel free to contact us for any Query.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.