Body Builder Gynecomastia

Bodybuilder gynecomastia portrays one of the most agitated conditions of men suffering from man boobs. Bodybuilders are focused on building their perfect bodies by spending countless hours exercising and eating healthy food including plenty of supplements and steroids. However, steroids and many medicines can cause fluctuations in hormones resulting in uneven or excess development of breast tissues. Often bodybuilders think that this condition will get better once they stop taking supplements, but this is not always curable that way.
Also, the spread of breast tissue is not limited to breasts only, it can spread behind the areola causing the nipple to swell. This condition is termed a Puffy Nipple. Also, when these tissues spread beyond the areola, it might make the breast resemble similar to that of a female. And any of these conditions are not acceptable to the bodybuilder who takes pride in flaunting their bodies.
So, it is always advised to be examined by a medical doctor like Dr. Ashutosh Shah in order to assure that there are no underlying tumors, kidney failure, breast cancer, or liver failure-like medical conditions and if there are such conditions, your doctor will help you find the right treatment.
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