Male Breast Reduction

Surgery performed to reduce the size of the breast is called Gynecomastia surgery. Also called male breast reduction or reduction mammaplasty, this surgery relive patients suffering from gynecomastia.
Usually, this breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess tissue and fat from the breast. It is an elective cosmetic procedure many men choose this procedure to revamp their looks and increase their self-esteem. While others may opt for this surgery to reduce the pain they experience from excess tissues or fat in the breast.
This surgery can be done solely or either performed in combination with liposuction. This is decided by the surgeon based on your health conditions.
Pre Surgery
Initially, your doctor will perform some tests to evaluate your health and diagnose the cause of Gynecomastia. Following that, your breast tissue will be measured.
Additionally the day before surgery, your surgeon will instruct you when to stop eating and drinking. Also, you should wear comfortable clothes when you arrive at the hospital for surgery.
You will be given general anesthesia through your arm vein, before starting the surgery.
Following that, your surgeon will use a larger incision to remove excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breast. Additionally, your nipple and areola may be repositioned during the surgery. The incision patterns, lengths, and positions depend on the size of the breast and your desired look.
In some cases, a combination of surgery and liposuction might be recommended.
Post Surgery
Since it is an outpatient surgery, you are allowed to go home on the same day. Following the surgery, your surgeon will guide you about breast care post-surgery.
Additionally, you will have bandages and a support bandage around the chest as you heal. The bandage reduces the swelling and provides support to your chest. Along with this, pain killer will be provided to reduce swelling and minimize the risk of infection.
After surgery, for a few days, you might experience some pain and discomfort which will get healed within a week and you will be able to perform routine activities in about two weeks.
During the healing process, avoid lifting heavy weights and outstretching your arm above the head.
Bear in mind that you will not see results in three to six months following surgery. It may take time for breast tissue to heal and reduce the swelling.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.