Type 6 Gynecomastia - Breast Roll with Back Roll

Breast tissue: Extends into the armpit and around the back
Nipple position: 2 cm below the chest fold
Chest fold shape: Significant skin excess, breast roll extends around to the back, severe breast sag, no definition.
Most common demographic: No defined age group, history of obesity, massive weight loss
Type 6 patients with gynecomastia are typically those who have suffered from pain that can not be imagined by those not affected by the disease. They have gone from suffering from obesity to the fearful realization that they are still trapped in a nearly foreign body that simply hangs on them after a weight loss.
This extreme skin sag is often more depressing than overweight, as it seemed a way out at least. Clothes are extremely limited and over-sized hanging shirts are commonly worn to minimize attention; often in conjunction with compression clothes. High blood pressure, diabetes, and depression are only some of the common problems in Type 6. Treatment is complex and requires considerable experience from the surgeon to achieve the best result with the last surgery.
Surgery Information
Anesthesia: Typically performed under general anesthesia.
Cost: Determined case by case. Variable factors will determine the cost.
Recovery: 3 - 4 days for sedentary work, 4-6 weeks if the job requires heavy labor.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.