Unilateral Gynecomastia
Are you a man suffering with unequal breasts?
Is you left breast larger than your right one?
Do you deal with everyday embarrassment because you have large breasts?
Are you looking for a solution to treat asymmetrical man boobs?
Have you lost your confidence because you have gynecomastia?
If your one breast is larger than the other, then the condition you are facing is known as Unilateral Gynecomastia. Usually, the shapes of the breasts in this case are not severely different, but there is a considerable size distinction and hence, you will need to opt for the Unilateral gynecomastia surgery in order to achieve that flat, firm and fabulous chest you always wanted.
Although most cases are either idiopathic or related to medications, one of the typical reasons behind the occurrence of uneven male breasts is a major decrease in the level of testosterone in comparison with estrogen. It has been observed that men in the age gap of 50-60 years tend to develop the condition of asymmetrical gynecomastia than the ones in the younger age range. Another set of reasons include drug therapies, hormonal changes associated with aging, liver failure, renal failure, tumours, drug abuse, etc.
There is a high risk of breast cancer development in gynecomastia patients and hence, it is important for the Plastic surgeon to evaluate the case very carefully before preparing the treatment plan. He/ she will also need to identify any primary disorder associated with the key issue. Well, with the advent of technology, now it is possible to treat the issue of Asymmetrical Gynecomastia through the surgery. However, it is also important to support troubled men in terms of helping them cop-up with the psychological trauma behind it and overcome it. This surgery works on the targeted area, making the man’s chest firmer, tighter and masculine.
After evaluating the Type of Gynecomastia you are suffering with, your plastic surgeon will help you understand the procedure. Generally, the breast tissues are categorized into two kinds – Glandular tissues, which are dense and firm and Fatty tissues, which are soft.
The ratio of these both tissues varies from person to person. If the fatty tissue is excessive,Liposuction may be needed whereas if the glandular tissue is overboard then the excess of it can be surgically removed with a scalpel. At times, a combination of both surgeries may be required to treat Unilateral Gynecomastia.
This Gynecomastia surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia although local anaesthesia may be needed along with sedation. The result is immediate along with temporary scarring, swelling and bruising which fades out over the next four to six weeks. Pressure garments and pain medication will be prescribed and a healthy lifestyle will be advised. Complications are rare and not really severe. A good pre-op consultation eliminates any risk of complications.
Sore and stiff is what you will feel after the asymmetrical gynecomastia treatment is performed. Since the result of the surgery is immediate, you may experience temporary scarring.
You need to eat healthy food and take adequate rest. Avoid smoking and taking alcohol. You should keep clean. It is also important to avoid any heavy physical activity. Also while resting, lay down in a proper position, mostly upright.
Follow-up visits will be required. The surgeon will check your progress and suggest changes in your lifestyle accordingly. You have to bear in mind that the improvement will be slow but steady and you have be patient towards the changes.
We like to ensure you a feel at home atmosphere for you and hence, we have established five star staying facilities to soothe the post procedure discomfort. Our well-trained and friendly staff is always ready to help you and make you feel as comfortable as possible. Highly decorated, neat and clean rooms with Roman blind curtain and LED mood lighting will make you stay enjoyable and hassle-free.
Now your chest will become much more aesthetically pleasing and social activities such as swimming and sunbathing needn’t be embarrassing anymore!
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.