Laser Facial

Laser Facial is a treatment for frown lines and skin inconsistencies like wrinkles and breakouts scars. To precisely disable skin layer by layer, the technique employs short, focused rippling light beams. This well-known technique is also referred to as lasabrasion, laser peeling, or laser gaseous oxygen.
Who Is a Perfect Laser Facial Applicant?
If you do have fine lines or wrinkles all over your eyes, mouth, or forehead, shallow skin conditions scars, or non-responsive skin after a facelift, laser skin reconstruction may be right for you. You may not be an applicant if you have breakouts or very dark skin. This method is also not advised for stretch marks. Before undergoing laser resurfacing, you should seek medical advice to determine whether the process is appropriate for you.
As a primary care methodology, our doctor may perform laser resurfacing. Our medical team will use medication to numb the skin. Sedation may be used for more extensive resurfacing, such as treatment of your entire face.
A severe beam of light energy (laser) is targeted at your skin during ablative laser resurfacing. The laser beam demolishes the skin's outer layer (epidermis). Simultaneously, the laser heats the underlying skin (dermis), stimulating collagen manufacture over time and resulting in improved skin tone and texture. Ablative laser treatment typically takes 30 minutes to two hours to complete, based on the methods used and the size of the treated area.
To avoid abnormal pigmentation, avoid unsecured sun exposure for one year after laser resurfacing. Remember that your results may not be irreversible. Squinting and smiling will cause lines to form on your face as you age. New sun damage can also undo your progress.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.