Fat Transfer Face

While most people believe that wrinkling and starting to sag skin are the most noticeable signs of aging, one of the major underpinning causes of these issues is something else: facial quantity loss. This loss of face and body volume can highlight the bony curves of the shrines and across the eyes, as well as make the cheeks appear flatter and less full. Only in the last decade has the effect of reduced facial quantity on the aesthetics of aging been fully recognized.
Genetics determines facial silhouette and definition, which is why some individuals have notable chins and cheeks while others have a baseman face with gentler features. Fat transfer, also known as fat transplanting, is a natural, non-invasive surgical procedure that involves moving fat from a plentiful area of the body and transferring it to the face to restore lost volume. Advanced liposuction technologies are used to gently remove the fat, which is then ready for injection into the face. This results in a very organic appearance with little risk of infection or disapproval by the body. Nasolabial folds (between the nostrils and the lips), clown lines (between the lips and the chin), flattened cheeks, sagging jaws, and shadows under the eyelids are all common form areas.
Dr. Ashutosh believes in the health and safety of patients, so we have experts who are excellent in their work as well as brilliant experience holders. We welcome you to come to us for the ideal solution for your complications.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.