Inner Thighs Liposuction

The inner thigh area is a common concern for women who are looking for liposuction. Inner thigh liposuction can significantly improve the silhouette of the thigh and reduce the rubbing of the inner thighs. Ideally, there should be no significant lumpiness or form irregularity and no visible evidence of a surgical procedure. Sometimes a male patient requests the liposuction of the inner upper thigh.
The liposuction of the inner thighs with the patient lying on the back does not allow sufficient access to the fat on the back of the inner thighs, which is often not treated adequately. This frequently occurs when general anesthesia is used. With a breathing tube inserted in the trachea or windpipe, it is safer to have the patient lying on the back under general anesthesia. Rolling a liposuction patient on her side is risky, because changing positions may dislodge the breathing tube and impair oxygen delivery. Attempting to treat the entire inner thigh with the patient on her back often results in inadequate fat removal from the back of the inner thigh.
To know more about Inner Thighs Liposuction, you can consult Dr. Ashutosh Shah, who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Surat and Gujarat.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.