Male Breast Liposuction

The goal of male breast liposuction is simple: to improve the physical appearance of the patient by removing as much fat as possible while avoiding damage to the skin or muscles. Liposuction of the male breast is one of the four areas of men most commonly treated with liposuction. The other areas are the abdomen, flanks, and jugs. Male patients with excess fat in their breasts can expect tumescent liposuction to improve considerably.
The Normal Male Breast
The normal male breast contains both adipose (fat) tissue and fibrous glandular tissue. True breast tissue in males is typically a small localized lump located immediately under the nipple that is more firm than the surrounding fatty tissue. It is easy to remove fatty breast tissue by liposuction, but much more difficult to liposuction glandular tissue. Prospective patients should understand that it is sometimes difficult to accurately assess the relative amount of fat and true glandular breast tissue in a male breast. A routine mammogram may help in assessing the amount of dense glandular tissue located within the surrounding fatty tissue.
Pseudo-gynecomastia is defined as an enlargement of male breast(s) caused by an excessive amount of fat tissue, but a normal amount of glandular breast tissue. Most male breasts that appear unusually large are the result of excessive fat. A slight but cosmetically undesirable degree of pseudo-gynecomastia probably occurs in a majority of men as they become older. Excessively fatty breasts are not uncommon in younger men who are relatively obese.
True Gynecomastia
This is defined as enlargement of male breast(s) caused by excessive glandular breast tissue. A true excess glandular breast tissue in men is not common. There are a number of distinct causes of gynecomastia including alcoholism, failure of the testicles to produce sufficient testosterone hormone, and many medications. Bilateral gynecomastia can also be associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, renal failure treated with hemodialysis, certain cancers such as testicular cancer, and adrenal corticosteroid secreting tumors. If a male has a single enlarged breast then one must consider the possibility of a true breast tumor. Any significant asymmetry of the male breasts, especially if there is a history of recent onset of asymmetric growth, should prompt the surgeon to consider a mammogram.
Liposuction For Enlarged Male Breasts
This is most effective for pseudo-gynecomastia. For true gynecomastia, the breast tissue is dense and fibrous and therefore difficult to penetrate and remove with a liposuction cannula. Among normal healthy men, there is a wide range of the relative amount of fatty tissue and glandular tissue found in the breasts. Most healthy men have a small amount of glandular tissue and a larger proportion of fatty tissue in their breasts. Microcannulas are effective in removing both breast tissue and fatty tissue from the normal male breast. Exceptionally dense glandular breast tissue may require surgical removal using a scalpel followed by a closure using stitches.
To know more about Male Breast Liposuction, you can consult Dr. Ashutosh Shah, who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Surat and Gujarat.
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.